An RPG game for final fantasy lovers. Turn based combat a lot of possible fights and attacks.
Platform | PC |
Audience | RPG lovers |
Gameplay | Modular / Complex/ Fun |
Key Classes
The stats of a character (player or enemy) are displayed and adjusted here. These are used in other classes to adjust the damage out put off their attacks and or the health of the enemy.
Here is an example of how you create a boss enemy. The normal enemies will randomize their attacks but boss enemies have certain possible patterns that the project creator can create.

And here is an example of a boss fight

Inspired by the iconic “Spheregrid” from Final Fantasy X (Square Enix). I recreated a similar concept. Making it so you can upgrade any stat in the game. And learn new abilities and even unlock new characters! Each character has their own unique grid. In these grids you’re able to unlock new skills and increasing their stats. Moreover, some stat bonuses and skills may apply for the entire team.

All the nodes are inside the grid to keep track off the players progress. And lines connect the nodes to visually show their relation.

Stat adjusting, learning new skills and unlocking new characters. Are all inheriting from a main class called “Node”. They all effect other elements, that’s why I decided to split them.
In these Nodes you can choose which character they effect, which stat is effected, and by how much. The cost of the node is inserted here aswell.

Every ability in combat is called an “Action”. Actions are created using ScriptableObjects. You can pick what type of attack it is, which particle you need to use, and if its positive or negative (meaning where the cursor starts. Because either positive or negative actions can be used on the enemy or player characters).